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Commissioners should take phosphate test

Published By: Sun Herald

Editor: The current phosphate mining proposal from Mosaic does not adequately protect our water supply, and renders our county governments bound, gagged and defenseless. It should be rejected. Mosaic's public relations blitz is designed to influence government decision-makers and the public to accept their one-sided agreement. Note their misleading TV ads, like "the Phosphate Family," "the Turtle Guy," and "the Grateful Citrus Farmer."

Because of the money that Mosaic is committing to this battle, our commissioners need to make a full disclosure to reassure the public that their decision will not be tainted. I challenge each county commissioner to answer the following five questions, on the record:

  1. Have you ever received political contributions from the phosphate industry?
  2. Have you ever received gifts or remuneration from the phosphate industry?
  3. Have you ever owned any stock or stock options in Mosaic?
  4. Have you ever met with Mosaic representatives outside of the Board of Commissioners' official public meetings?
  5. Have you ever been personally involved in any business or financial transactions with Mosaic or its predecessors?

I am not alleging any wrongdoing, but the blind stampede by certain commissioners to accept Mosaic's self-serving proposal requires a better explanation than simple incompetence. Failure to answer these five questions will speak for itself and will mandate further inquiry and investigation.

Richard Nelson
Punta Gorda

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